Questions to guide your response.
- What do you think is similar in these works in terms of author’s purpose, voice, etc.?
- What is different in these pieces (again, think critically!)?
- What are the authors’ messages to their audience?
- What was the injustice that the author is speaking about?
- Relate either of these two figures to a contemporary figure in some way.
These questions are to guide your post. Feel free to talk freely about these two works. Do not feel confined to only answering these questions. Additionally, remember that you have to respond to two of your peers comments within your class period(please refer to their screen name while responding).
Email me your alias
I both agree and disagree with stride toward freedom by Martain Luther King. I agree that we should stand up for what we believe in and his objectives. However I do not think that we can always do this non-violently. Violence is humman nature and sometimes thats what it takes to make your cause taken seriously. Martain luther kings belief that a movement can be sucessful without violence would only work in a perfect world and he is foolish for thinking movements can be sucessful without violence.
I believe that each man had a right idea on getting equal rights’. Martin Luther King just wanted peace, and believed that you didn't need violence to solve everything, and that is true, but not everyone believes that and your going to get an individual like Malcolm X who wants to fight. Because he says that our country was made by those individuals who thought it wasn't right to be run by a foreign power. Also believe that most people will want to fight when their rights are being threatened.
I think that everyone should have equal rights no matter what their skin color is. I liked Dr. Kings approach towards non-violence to get his point across. Even though in some cases violence must be used, I believe that the best way to solve a problem is without it.
I have not given a lot of thought about prejudice and the rights of African Americans.Yes,it would be wonderfull if we were all equal. I just like to look at the world how it is. I like being realistic. Martin Luther King did leave a huge impact on society and I believe he was sucessful. Nobody should just let themselves be walked over and they should defend themselves.I think the world will always be prejudice and theres nothing anyone can do about it.
Personally, I agree with Dr.King in many ways. I believe that his his non-violent aproach to certain things such as civil rights spoke volumes. Though violence is human nature, one does not need violence to stop forms of injustice. I think that there is a time and place for everything.One must take certain measures wheither it be in a violent or non-violent in order for change.
I agree that you should not use violence to solve conflicts but in some cases you might have to.
- go FLYERS!!
Both Martin Luther King and Malcom X wanted to achieve social justice justice. I would have to agree with King's way of achieveing it over Malcom X though. King would use non-violent acts to get to this goal. These non-violent acts would include sit-ins, walks, and etc. See if you do vioent acts against people that are treating you badly you are not any better. You are making youself look worst and making these people have a reason to be against you. If all you are doing is sitting and the cops or whoever are hurting you or whatnot then THEY are looking bad. Yes, it may not be as drastic at that moment, but over time it will leave a mark and people will start noticing.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
My password for my other account will not work. && No I did not forget it already.
First of all, I disagree with Krysten. Ofcourse people are not always going to be like hand and hand with eachother, but people need to realize that change can acure. Black people used to be considered propertiy and now we have a malado president. [Which may be even bigger since malado people were EXTREMELY discriminated against due to the fact that they did not really have a majority group and were considered freaks].
I also agree with Dan when he says that most people will want to fight when their rights are being threatened. That will usually be peoples inital thoughts, but people need to have stronger will power and realize that is not the right thing to do.
Ususally I wouldn't agree with violence but when it comes to being oppressed for over 300 years I think Malcolm X has a good point.
I very much agree with Bailey and Brian they make great points. Violence should not always be used but for some things it is essential. Without violence we wouldn't be where we are today.
But I also disagree with Kyrsten, I think that every person has a right to be an equal. I personally think that we can stop being predjuice and being racist and just treat everyone the same. I also think that it doesnt' matter what color you are or what you think, treat everyone as an equal.
I honestly dont see why people are dissagreeing with me. Take a look at the world. I think some of these people are still in the minds of their subarbian lives. I used to live in a pretty bad/poor area and it was segreated. I think you can see the world being equal because you only see the good.Theyre arent many african americans in hamburg so you dont have much proof of how bad some predjuice can be. honestly my whole family is VERY predjuice so ive had it first hand. From my parents it got passed on to my sister and me and i can bet it will be passed on to my kids and hers after that.I am not predjuice persay but i still lock my car doors when parking downtown and i dont do that here. It my subconscious. Predjuice is passed down in families and it will always be.Thats just my opinion.
The strategies used by Dr.Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X both have a time and a place. Malcolm X's philosophy was about blacks gaining empowerment in society.When you live in a place where the government can not help you, your only choice is to arm and defend yourself. Violence might not be the nicest way to resolve a conflict,but action is needed when people threaten your way of life.Dr.Kings philosophy on the other hand was a more peaceful approach, and attempted to demonstrate to sympathetic Americans how wrong discrimination was(is?). But neither are a sure solution and only depend on time and place for success.
Q: What do you think is similar in these works in terms of author’s purpose, voice, etc.?
A: I think that the voice of both men was heard threw a doctrine of words, both were very complex speakers, resulting in having their voices to be heard, and both authors speeches of "freedom" made an impact on society.
Q: What is different in these pieces (again, think critically!)?
A: The difference between the two is that martin luther king is speaking for everyone's rights in a peacful manner. On the other hand Malcom X is speaking for the right afican american people through violence.
My two peers to reflect on were
Paiges response and Krystens response to the stride torwards freedom of afican american's.
i feel as if both there answers were well thought trough, and i agree with them because to achieve social justice you must put you self out there so you can be heard.
I think that both Martin Luther King Jr and Malcom X have very strong beleifs that could both be effective. It depends on how you view life and if you think that violence can solve things or not. It was very important for them to fight for their rights and the rights of there people. I personally think that we need to try to be non-violent and solve things in a calm and colective way. If being peaceful is not accomplishing the fair answer that you want then i beleive that resorting to some violence is also a effective practice. Both of these figures are very important people in hisory and I have a lot of respect for them.
Martin Luther king and malcom x both have very different views on how to acheive civil rights. i agree with martin luther kings views because of his non violent aproach. the way he went about it was very effective and succesful. you wont gain the respect neccisary for civil rights if you are using threats and violence.
I agree with Dan S where he says that there is a time and place for the views of violence and non-violence.
I aslo agree with Dan Quinn where he says that if someones rights are being violated that will porbaly want to fight back.
I disagree with Brian..the flyers suck...go caps!
I agree with Martin Luther King Jr. on how he wants to gain rights peacefully because when you fight someone physically to get what you want your only going to cause them to resent you more. I think it is a very well thought out idea to gain rights peacefully.
I agree with Martin Luther King Jr. on how he wants to gain rights peacefully because when you fight someone physically to get what you want your only going to cause them to resent you more. I think it is a very well thought out idea to gain rights peacefully.
Martin Luther King and Malcolm X had very different views on how to achieve civil rights. I agree that violence is not needed to do this. I believe that violence just makes things worse and doesn't really solve anything.
Though i do agree that "violence is human nature" which someone said. Everyone can become violent at times and could end up in violence by thinking this could help your stance become more greatly viewed. Though i also think that these injustices can be solved non-violently by protesting and standing up for what you believe in.
prejudice is never ending....prejudice obviously exists in the world, maybe not everywhere..but it does. I don't like the "idea" that prejudice is "passed" down to you through your families...Sure, you might be around prejudice..but we all think for ourselves? It's not like a genetic flaw..
I agree with Martin Luther King's views. No matter what the cause is there really is no need for violence. Yes, he was fighting against something that should have never happened in the first place but two wrongs don't make a right.
As for what Krysten said, I disagree. Everyone has the power to think for themselves and form their own opinion. Your parents can be as prejudice as they come but you have the ability to think differently.
I agree with Martin Luther King's views. No matter what the cause is there is no need for violence. Even though he was fighting against something that should have never happened, two wrongs don't make a right.
As for what Krysten said, I disagree.
Everyone has the power to think in their own ways and form their own opinions. Your parents could be as prejudice as they come but you still have the ability to think for yourself.
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